The idiom “The Best-Laid Plans” conveys the inevitability of unpredicted problems or changes disrupting even the most carefully organized plans or projects. Hurricane Beryl disrupted our plans for a Strong Start. The Arch Diocese of Galveston/Houston suffered considerable damage and power outages that affected many of our Knight’s Day to Day activities, let alone recruiting new members and hosting exemplifications.
The call went out to our other Dioceses to pick up the slack and many went above and beyond their July monthly goal for us to achieve our membership goals. Your efforts have moved Texas into 5th place in the COH - Division 1.
When we stand united, there isn’t anything we can’t accomplish.
Online membership is the way to go and work on those conversions into your councils!
These next two months are crucial to achieving 25% of our COH Membership Intake Goal by October 1, 2024.
August – 425 September – 453
On the weekend of August 10th, there will be exemplifications in each Diocese. Division 1 Dioceses hosting 2 CUFS, and Division 2 & 3 Diocese hosting 1 CUF each. We should have at least twenty CUFS that weekend. Let’s take the lead and put Texas where we belong!
TEXAS #1 in Division 1
Hurricane Beryl
I was able to visit Lake Jackson and saw firsthand the damage the hurricane caused. Many thanks go out to our Brother Knights that helped in many ways. Also, our Emergency Response Coordinators have done an outstanding job in their immediate response.
Summer Conferences
By now each Diocese should have hosted at least one Summer Conference. I have heard a lot of good news about the presenters, great attendance and participation by our Brother Knights. Now let’s get out there and get to work, each council deserves to be Star Council.
College Conference
Just a reminder of the upcoming College Councils Conference which will be held October 4th – October 6th, 2024, in New Haven, CT.
Encourage all college councils to attend. Supreme will be covering the hotel cost and arranging travel for the Grand Knight, Chaplain, and an additional member of each council. Please make sure that your Star Council winners send a delegation as the Supreme Knight seeks to honor them at the conference.
Any questions should be directed to the College Councils Department by e-mail at Thank you for your continued support of the College Councils Program.
Supreme Convention
The Knights of Columbus 142nd Supreme Convention will be held in Québec, Canada, August 6 to 8, 2024. Our delegates are prepared and eager to attend. For those that will not be able to attend, you will be able to watch the live coverage on EWTN beginning Tuesday, August 6th, at 9 AM EST.
Ron Alonzo
State Deputy